Here are our POWER Students for the last two weeks!
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
a list of students being powerful
We celebrate Native American Heritage Month in November to recognize and honor the achievements and contributions of Native Americans. Learn more: #GrowCaroline
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
details in the text of the post
Don’t forget to Fall Back! Daylight Savings ends Sunday, Nov. 6. Turn your clocks back one hour. #OneCaroline
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Words in the text of the post
In order to make up for the change in schedule caused by inclement weather, Monday, Nov. 7, will now be a half day for students. We apologize for the inconvenience to families; however, this adjustment provides teachers the time required to finalize grades. As a reminder, half days of school do not impact the overall school calendar.
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Calendar Reminder, details in text
Due to fog in the area, Caroline County Public Schools will be operating on a two hour delay this morning. Today was scheduled as a half day of school. Because of the delayed opening, it will now be a FULL AFTERNOON of school with dismissal at the usual time.
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
same as text of message
Attention families of students with disabilities! The next Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC) Meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 17, 6-8 pm at the Board of Education office, or tune in virtually. Join speaker Cara Calloway, LCSW-C, Mental Health Coordinator for Caroline schools to discuss Parent Self-Care. See the flyer for more details and RSVP details. #OneCaroline
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
event flyer
Attention Families of Students with Disabilities! Don't miss What's Next? 2022 Mid-Shore Transition Conference, Saturday, Nov. 5 from 8:45am to 12:30pm at the Chesapeake College Kent Building. (Vendor Hall at Caroline College Center) Free registration #CarolineFamily
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
flyer English
flyer Spanish
flyer Haitian Creole
Congratulations to October’s Power Player Students of the Month!
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
October’s Power Player Students of the Month
Soccer Mom vs BBQ Dad was in full effect yesterday!
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
students participating in spirit week
Our students have a ton of spirit! This is Tuesday’s celebrity day! Decade day will be up later today!
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
pictures of students on celebrity day
We are disappointed to announce that due to circumstances beyond our control, we must cancel Haunted Hallways this year. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, and hope to be able to resume the event next year.
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
words in the text of the message
Due to fog in the area, Caroline County Public Schools will be operating on a two hour delay this morning. Please be safe when on the roads!
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Weds., October 26, 2022, two hour delayed opening
Congratulations to our Power Players for the past two weeks!
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
a list of students demonstrating POWERful actions
The spirit was alive and well on “Bikers vs Surfers” day! Don’t forget, tomorrow is “Dress Like a Celebrity Day!”
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
students participating in spirit week
Happy Sunday! This coming week is Spirit Week at CRMS! The days are shown below! Show your spirit!
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
Spirit Week: Monday- Biker Vs Surfer, Tuesday-Celebrity Day, Wednesday-soccer mom vs bbq dad, Thursday-Decades, Friday-Color War
CRMS was the place to be on Thursday, October 20th! We had a great Fall Dance where there was a little something for everybody. Games, the book fair, snacks, dancing, lots of high squeals, and some really nice outfits! We love seeing our students show up as #PowerPlayers
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
students pose with a ghost decoration
students playing games outside
Students dancing
4 students wearing red t shirts with YOLO
Attention Families of Students with Disabilities! Don't miss What's Next? 2022 Mid-Shore Transition Conference, Saturday, Nov. 5 from 8:45am to 12:30pm at the Chesapeake College Kent Building. (Vendor Hall at Caroline College Center) Free registration #CarolineFamily
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Event details, English
Event details, Spanish
Event details, Haitian Creole
October is #PrincipalsMonth and we're so proud of our dedicated principal family! To highlight them, we asked a few 'getting to know you' questions. Wondering what CRMS Dr. Holloway had to say? #CarolineFamily
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Yolanda Holloway
October is #PrincipalsMonth and we're so proud of our dedicated principal family! To highlight them, we asked a few 'getting to know you' questions. Wondering what CRMS Dr. Holloway had to say? #CarolineFamily
about 2 years ago, Caroline Schools
Thank you to the Omnicron Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa for this delicious treat!
about 2 years ago, Colonel Richardson Middle School
picture of Mr. Lambert with Alpha Delta Kappa
explanation of receiving apples